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Thursday 7 August 2014

When Kids Say "Dont Worry" How As Parents can WE NOT WORRY!!! I Mean Really

Morning All,

What is it with kids of today, I have 2 almost adults and STILL LIVE at home, mind you i dont mind because I sleep better.

My son, well where do I start with him He was the most gorgeous baby, fat one too and just loved his breast milk ha hah he drank so  much that, i know this sounds weird but I made sure that I had coke next to me because that for some reason filled my boobs up quick with milk. How ? Who Knows.

He was the mischievous one, typical boy, always had scars from falls like jumping off the roof or doing something like a real dare devil. Im sure he had ADHG FJKL WHOKNOWS!

Always a lovable kid, and has the heart of gold!

During the time of his teens we had issues like any parent but we stood our ground, hubby made sure he knew if he stood out of line, as in Australia alot of kids have no respect for there parents, and its such a shame.  We help them to the best of our ability and clothe them and feed them and sometimes hanging around the wrong people they get influenced.

A while ago my son moved in his flat with his girlfriend and all his mates were the best as per his say!..little did he realise that they all stole from him! And us as parents notice this before he even knew and he would get annoyed at us.

Thing is with Gee is that he has the heart of gold, and THATS where people take advantage of him.
I mean really when he worked he got paid he had so many friends around when he had no money you dont see anyone! Whats with these people!

I was there through thick and thin when he cried when he needed things, and as much as they make us angry we are always there for him.

So My point is When they go out to friends place and say I will be back soon and come home the following morning!! I have had like 3 hours sleep and as a Parent you cannot sleep and wonder why hes not picking up his phone, is he safe, has he had an accident ? where could he be, and for the life of me WHY CANT TEENS see how it upsets us.

SO...........the solution is HURRY have your own child because then you will see the unconditional love that you have and see why we worry the way we do..

So Gee if you ever find this, we worry because we Care and Love you and would hate to have a knock at the door to say something has happened,

I dedicated this song when you were down and out and just want you to succeed in life and to be happy and make the right choices....


Tuesday 5 August 2014

Having a bad Day....Heres a my favourite chicken Joke


Hope you like it ha ha

Watching the World - An Interesting Article

Watching the World

United States

Some police are using technology to make car chases less dangerous. One approach being tried involves compressed-air launchers fitted into the grills of patrol cars. These fire GPS-trackable devices that stick to vehicles being pursued. Suspects can then be tailed at a safe speed.


It is estimated that every hour, a woman is killed because of a dispute over dowries. Though the custom of giving and receiving such payments is officially prohibited, in 2012 more than 8,200 women were murdered because a groom or his family believed his bride’s dowry to be insufficient.



Tiny sensors attached to three alpine swifts at their breeding site have shown that the birds flew nonstop for more than 200 days while migrating to Africa. Previously, such sustained activity in motion had been reported only in marine animals.


Horn of Africa

Pirates hijacked 179 ships off the coast of the Horn of Africa between April 2005 and December 2012. Those criminal acts yielded up to $413 million (U.S.) in ransom money for the pirates, estimates a World Bank study.